2 Comments on “February 2018 eBulletin”

  1. Good morning! I have visited the church for over a year in transition looking for a new church home from 2016-2017 when I was living in moreno valley. I LOVE the bible teaching and family community you have there:) I have since moved back to murrieta area, however I am interested in receiving information about going with your church to the israel trip. This is my dream and I would like to make it happen this year. Please send me the details and information about what is required to attend. I know the time is short but I am feeling a sense of urgency.

    I look forward to speaking to you. Thank you in advance!

    1. Hi Michelle! The Israel trip is full and unfortunately no late additions can be accepted since the trip occurs next month. This is in line with the company organizing the trip on our behalf. If you need more information or have additional remarks, please e-mail info@crosswordchurch.org. God Bless!

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