UPDATED 8/26/2021 12:00pm PST


During the COVID-19 pandemic, CrossWord has operated out of faith AND wisdom. In doing so, we reopened our doors for in-person services on May 2, 2021 with limited capacity and with face coverings required. We have kept a close eye on what the experts are continuously learning about COVID-19 and at this time, we STRONGLY SUGGEST that those who choose to attend services in-person be fully vaccinated. At this time, it is not a REQUIREMENT, just a strong suggestion.

Again, face coverings (covering your nose, mouth and chin) are required to attend services in-person, regardless of vaccination status, and at this time we are strongly suggesting that only individuals who are fully vaccinated attend services in person. Fully vaccinated means you are 14 days past the second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine; or, 14 days past the Johnson & Johnson single-dose vaccine.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we continue to navigate these unprecedented times.


UPDATED 4/16/2021 3:30pm PST


On 4/4/21, Bishop Sykes announced we will reopen for in-person services beginning May 2nd. Pre-Registration WILL be required and is on a first come first serve basis per campus, per service. As it stands, there will be three services to choose from:

Main Campus at 9am or 11am

March Campus at 11am

If you aren't able to or comfortable attending in-person service, you may continue to fellowship with us online. Registration for in-person will occur ONLINE and won't be available until the week before each service week. Please do not call or email the Admin office to reserve a spot as this is not the way we will be handling it. Thank you!


UPDATED 1/2/2021 7:30pm PST

Tentative Reopening Date:  March 2021

At this time we are tentatively planning to open for in-person services in March of this year.  Registration will be required and capacity limits are TBD by the State of California. That is all the information we can share at this time. Please continue to monitor this page for updates and join us online each Sunday at 8:30am, 10:30am or 6pm.


UPDATED 7/28/2020 1:30pm PST

Reopening Date Changed:  TBD

Due to the mandate from Governor Newsom regarding large gatherings at churches/places of worship, we will not be reopening for in-person services until further notice. Please continue to monitor this page for updates and join us online each Sunday at 8:30am, 10:30am or 6pm.


UPDATED 7/7/2020 5:30pm PST

Reopening Date Changed:  August 1, 2020

Please refer to the letter from Bishop and Pastor Karen regarding the postponement of our reopening date.


UPDATED 6/26/20 11:30am PST

Reopening July 11, 2020

As we prepare to reopen our doors in a limited capacity, please take a moment to read through the steps we will be taking on our regathering page.


UPDATED 3/18/2020 10:45am PST


As we do our best to live by faith and wisdom, until further notice the following events, LifeGROUPS and support groups are either cancelled or postponed:


High School Retreat
Scholarship Luncheon

Ministry Groups

Campus LifeGROUPs
Bridge Builders
Winsome Women
Solutions 4 LIFE
Bread of Life
Youth Ministries

We are continually monitoring the situation and will keep you updated during the process.

UPDATED 3/16/2020 12:30pm PST

CrossWord Family,

As you know, this situation is fluid and will continue to change on a day to day basis. As of yesterday afternoon, March 15, 2020, the CDC has recommended all gatherings of more than 50 people be immediately ceased until this virus is contained.

It is true that God does not give us a spirit of fear, however, we are also obligated to operate in wisdom and to respect the "laws of the land." With that being said,


This decision was not made lightly and is subject to change at any moment. For now, your grace, patience and understanding is needed. We appreciate your faithfulness. Continue to pray, wash your hands, and be mindful of others. Remain home as often as possible and practice social distancing when you have to be out. Remember, it is possible to spread the virus or even to have the virus without any symptoms and we must protect those whose immune systems are compromised at this time.

Service will be live streamed at 8:30am PST and again at 10:30am PST for the coming Sundays until further notice. LifeGROUPS are also suspended at all campuses until further notice.

We will get through this together with Christ! Check back regularly for updates.

UPDATED 3/13/2020 3:30pm PST

2 Timothy 1:7 – For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (KJV)

The past few weeks have seen the emergence of COVID-19 at an alarming rate worldwide. We are aware of the situation and the severity of it and would like to share words regarding it utilizing the key principles found in 2 Timothy 1:7.


Fear is a natural response to things we don’t fully understand. To help mitigate some of that, here are some details regarding COVID-19 from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC):

  • For most people, the immediate risk of becoming seriously ill from the virus that causes COVID-19 is thought to be low. Older adults and people of any age with underlying health conditions, such as diabetes, disease, or heart disease, are at greater risk of severe illness from COVID-19.
  • Someone who has completed quarantine or has been released from isolation does not pose a risk of infection to other people.
  • You do NOT need to wear a face mask if you are not sick, unless you are caring for someone who is sick and is unable to wear a face mask.
  • COVID-19 is a new strand of viruses already known to us and symptoms are similar to influenza and/or pneumonia.

Understanding what COVID-19 is and who it has the potential to affect is key to not living in fear. For more details, statistics, and a current update on the pandemic, visit the CDC’s COVID-19 information page.


What does it mean to possess a spirit of power? It means through Christ we can do all things (Phil. 4:13) but we need the spirit of love to guide us in all of that.

How does it relate to the coronavirus?

We need to extend love and grace to one another during this time. The CDC is encouraging individuals to understand that this virus can affect anyone regardless of ethnic background. This is not a time to point fingers and divide. By taking the proper steps, we can minimize the risk of exposure and transmission within our immediate community.


In this instance, a sound mind refers to self-control and discipline. We all need to use common sense and good hygiene practices now more than ever. In accordance with recommendations from public health officials, including the CDC, we have implemented enhanced operating protocols at all our worship locations, including:

  • Increasing the frequency of cleaning for all high-traffic, high-touch areas at our facilities, including common areas, public restrooms, lobbies, elevators, etc.
  • Although we have used hand sanitizer stations for a number of years, we are increasing the number of hand sanitizer and wipe stations in common areas.
  • Ensuring that all cleaning products in use at our facilities meet CDC requirements for effectively combating the COVID-19 virus.
  • Putting protocols in place so that we are prepared to act swiftly if public health authorities notify us of a confirmed case of novel coronavirus / COVID-19 in our immediate area.
  • Minimizing physical contact by eliminating hand holding during the benediction and other times during worship services, including meet and greet.

The health and safety of our members and guests is our top priority. By taking these extra steps, we have great confidence in our ability to continue operations while doing our part to prevent the spread of novel coronavirus / COVID-19. We will be modifying events & services this weekend as follows:

  • We will ONLY be having ONE live service at 10:30am at Main Campus this coming Sunday, March 15, 2020. If you would like to attend and are in good health, you are more than welcome to join us – ministry leaders, musicians and ministers are encouraged to attend provided they, too, are in good health. Those 65 and over are encouraged to enjoy service from the comfort and safety of their homes at this time via Live Streaming.
  • We will be live streaming at 10:30am PST. You are welcome to join us virtually should you choose whether you are in good health or currently sick. You will still be able to participate in tithes & offering via our online giving. You may watch directly on our website, on our Facebook page or our YouTube Channel.
  • Again, we will NOT be having service at our new March Campus or at 8:30am at Main Campus.
  • Bread of Life WILL have outreach tomorrow; however, out of an abundance of caution, we will only be distributing bags of groceries (no clothing or hot meals) utilizing a predetermined crew. Volunteers, please reach out next month to see when you may resume your service.

We will continue to monitor the situation and will adjust for the coming Sundays as needed.

It is important to continue to look out for one another. Again, if you are under the weather please stay home. The best way to prevent the spread of any virus is to minimize exposure. Thank you for having the discipline to make sure this happens.

Your commitment to doing what is right during difficult, confusing times is much appreciated.

God Bless

CrossWord Christian Church